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Year Index


The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool that assists emerging economies in monitoring and evaluating progress in policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises. This first application of the Index methodology in the Latin American and Caribbean region covers the four Pacific Alliance member countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru) and three participating South American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay). Divided into seven policy dimensions, this report assesses the strengths and weaknesses that exist in different areas of SME policy design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, and provides guidance to policy makers in identifying policy areas for future reform according to international good practices. This report is a joint effort between the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the OECD through its Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Programme (LACRP), in co-operation with the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the “Foundation for the Strategic Analysis and Development of the SME” (FAEDPYME).

  • 07 Nov 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 340

What challenges and opportunities does the green transition entail for Latin America and the Caribbean? This 15th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process. It argues that, for this transition to be just, stronger social-protection systems and open dialogue must help build new, sustainable social contracts. In support of this ambitious agenda, the report presents an array of financing options, including green finance, and advocates for renewed international partnerships.


Building on a recent groundbreaking OECD/World Bank seminar, this volume explores whether and how trade liberalisation can contribute to achieving universal service goals and the types of complementary policies required.  It focuses on experiences in four sectors - telecommunications,  water and sanitation, financial services, and electricity. The unique multi-sector perspective taken in this book, together with the national case studies, yield insights which can help countries promote their universal access goals. A horizontal assessment also helps determine how far the current services negotiations in the WTO, under the General Agreement on Trade in Services, can aid the attainment of universal service goals.

  • 03 May 2019
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 348

Aviation is one of the most regulated industries in the world. Much of this regulation is safety-related, to mitigate the inherent risks tied with air transport. But aviation is also subject to economic regulation that influences which airline flies which route, at which frequency, capacity and price. It even stipulates the nationality of its owners and decision makers. Aviation has freed itself from some restrictions over the past three decades, with many benefits to society. Yet liberalisation has also raised issues with regard to maintaining fair competition, high labour standards and mitigating aviation’s growing environmental impact.

  • 11 Mar 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 381

This publication reviews the significant changes that have taken place in the world fisheries sector and provides an in-depth analysis of the prospects for and potential effects of further market liberalisation in the sector. It also contains an inventory of market measures and policies in place in OECD countries. A principal outcome of the study is that there is room for further market liberalisation in the trade in fish and fish products.

  • 17 Jul 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 344

The 38 million Indigenous peoples living across 12 OECD countries contribute to stronger regional and national economies, and have unique assets and knowledge that address global challenges such as climate change. Supporting their economic inclusion at local and regional levels is essential to achieving the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals to “leave no-one behind” and overcoming the significant gaps in well-being that continue to exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, notably in rural areas. This report provides recommendations to achieve vibrant local and regional Indigenous economies that deliver on their objectives for development by: improving Indigenous statistics and data governance; enabling policies for entrepreneurship and small business; providing instruments to mobilise land for development; and implementing effective and inclusive governance to support a place-based approach.

The Sami have lived for time immemorial in an area that today extends across the Kola Peninsula in Russia, northern Finland, northern Norway's coast and inland, and the northern half of Sweden. The Sami play an important role in these northern economies thanks to their use of land, their involvement in reindeer husbandry, agriculture/farming and food production, and connection with the region’s tourism industry. However, in Sweden, as in the other states where the Sami live, the connections with regional development are often inconsistent and weak, and could do more to support the preservation and promotion of Sami culture and create new employment and business opportunities. This study, together with the OECD’s broader thematic work on this topic, provides actionable recommendations on how to better include the Sami and other Indigenous Peoples in regional development strategies, learning from and incorporating their own perspectives on sustainable development in the process.

  • 01 Dec 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

Innovation, skills, entrepreneurship and social cohesion are key drivers of growth, and essential goals of effective economic development strategies. Each has a strong governance component, which requires real partnership between government, business and civil society. In this book, the OECD has brought together top world experts to translate policy lessons into concrete recommendations that will help policy makers and practitioners make the best governance decisions to stimulate growth.

  • 27 Jan 2017
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 72

This report is the third and final output of a ten-year international research project studying the costs and viability of long-life road pavement surfacings. It describes the results of tests conducted with epoxy asphalt and high performance cementitious materials (HPCM) on real road sections in France, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. The project was initiated to address a growing problem for road administrations and road users: frequent closures of roadways for repairs and repaving as a result of surface pavements that have improved but still barely kept up with increased loads and traffic density.

  • 06 Dec 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

La medición de la innovación: Una nueva perspectiva presenta nuevas mediciones y nuevas maneras de examinar los indicadores tradicionales. Se basa en 50 años de trabajo de la OCDE en el desarrollo de indicadores y va más allá de la I+D para describir el amplio contexto en que sucede la innovación. Incluye algunos indicadores experimentales que ofrecen una nueva perspectiva sobre áreas de interés de políticas públicas. Destaca los vacíos de medición y propone direcciones para avanzar en el programa de medición.
Esta obra comienza con una descripción de la innovación en la actualidad. Se enfoca en lo que está motivando la innovación en las empresas, en la forma en la que el panorama científico y de investigación se reconfigura gracias a las convergencias, a la interdisciplinariedad y a la nueva geografía de la innovación. Presenta mediciones más amplias de innovación, por ejemplo, usando nuevos indicadores de inversión en activos intangibles y marcas registradas.
El capital humano es un insumo básico de la innovación y una serie de indicadores examinan la forma en que los sistemas educativos contribuyen a las bases del conocimiento y la investigación. Otras series analizan de qué manera las empresas transforman las habilidades y el conocimiento y hacen más claros los diferentes roles de la inversión pública y privada respecto al fomento a la innovación y a sus beneficios con ejemplos concretos de los inmensos retos mundiales, como la salud y el cambio climático.
La medición de la innovación es un gran paso hacia una forma de crear políticas públicas de innovación basadas en la evidencia. Complementa indicadores tradicionales de “posicionamiento” con otros que muestran que la innovación está, o puede estar, relacionada con las políticas públicas. También reconoce que falta mucho por hacer y señala los retos de medición que los expertos en estadística, investigadores y encargados de diseñar políticas públicas necesitan enfrentar.

French, English
  • 04 Jul 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

La presente edición 2011 de las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales compromete 42 países a nuevas y más estrictas normas de conducta empresarial. Las Directrices actualizadas incluyen nuevas recomendaciones sobre el abuso de los derechos humanos y responsabilidad empresarial de su cadena de suministro, siendo estas el primer acuerdo intergubernamental en este rubro.
Las Directrices establecen, por ejemplo, que las empresas deben respetar los derechos humanos en cada uno de los países en los que tienen operaciones. Las empresas deben también respetar las normas ambientales y laborales, y contar con la debida diligencia de procesos que aseguren que se cumplan. Estas incluyen cuestiones como el pago de salarios decentes, lucha contra la corrupción, las peticiones de soborno y la extorsión, y la promoción del consumo sustentable.
Las Directrices son un código de conducta amplio, no vinculatorio que los países miembros de la OCDE y otros adherentes han acordado para promover el sector empresarial. Se ha establecido también un nuevo proceso de mediación más estricto para atender quejas.

Portuguese, Italian, English, Chinese, French, All

Le Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento per le imprese multinazionali e le amministrazioni fiscali forniscono orientamenti sull'applicazione del "principio di libera concorrenza", che è il principio riconosciuto a livello internazionale sul quale si basa il regime del transfer pricing, cioè la valutazione, a fini fiscali, delle transazioni transfrontaliere tra imprese associate. In un'economia globale nella quale le imprese multinazionali hanno un ruolo significativo, il regime dei prezzi di trasferimento assume un'importanza prioritaria sia per le amministrazioni fiscali sia per i contribuenti. Gli Stati devono assicurarsi che gli utili imponibili delle multinazionali non siano artificialmente trasferiti in un altro Paese e che la base imponibile dichiarata dalle multinazionali nei loro rispettivi Paesi corrisponda alla loro attività economica reale. È essenziale, inoltre, che i contribuenti vedano ridotti i rischi di doppia imposizione economica legati a un contenzioso tra due Paesi sulla determinazione della remunerazione a valori di mercato delle transazioni transfrontaliere con imprese associate.

La versione originale delle Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento è stata approvata dal Consiglio dell'OCSE nel 1995. Le Linee Guida sono poi state parzialmente aggiornate nel 2009, in primo luogo per integrare le modifiche introdotte nel 2008 al Modello di Convenzione fiscale OCSE riguardanti il nuovo paragrafo 5 dell'articolo 25 in materia di arbitrato e il commentario dell'articolo 25 sull'uso della procedura amichevole per risolvere le controversie tributarie internazionali. Nell'edizione del 2010 sono state apportate notevoli revisioni ai capitoli I, II e III, introducendo nuovi orientamenti sulla scelta del metodo più appropriato alle circostanze del caso per la determinazione dei prezzi di trasferimento, sull'applicazione pratica dei metodi basati sull'utile delle transazioni (il metodo del margine netto della transazione e il metodo di ripartizione dell'utile) e sulla performance dell'analisi di comparabilità. È stato inoltre aggiunto un nuovo capitolo IX che presenta gli aspetti delle riorganizzazioni aziendali relativi ai prezzi di trasferimento. Notevoli cambiamenti sono stati anche apportati in tutti gli altri capitoli delle Linee Guida dell’OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento.

Spanish, Hungarian, French, Serbian, Ukrainian, All

Los países miembros de la OCDE dedican recursos signicativos a las políticas para el desarrollo local y regional, sin embargo, los resultados de dichas políticas han sido entendidos pobremente. La evaluación de la política pública representa desafíos conceptuales, técnicos e institucionales. Eso es particularmente cierto para el caso del desarrollo local. Frecuentemente los datos son inadecuados y los múltiples tipos de política pueden interactuar para ocultar los efectos de las iniciativas individuales. Diversos factores externos pueden afectar la economía de una localidad, y los impactos positivos de las políticas en una ubicación pueden causar efectos no deseados en otra. Además, los individuos hacia los cuales va orientada una política pueden cambiar de una localidad a otra. Estas y otras complejidades necesitan considerarse al evaluar qué políticas son verdaderamente efectivas y ecientes. Este es uno de los pocos libros que examina las mejores experiencias en la evaluación de los programas de desarrollo económico local y regional y de creación de empleo. Adecuado para lectores no técnicos, este libro contiene propuestas de política para los gobiernos centrales y locales interesados en mejorar los procesos de evaluación, ampliar la evidencia documental sobre las políticas públicas y desarrollar una cultura de evaluación.

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