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Year Index

  • 20 Dec 2018
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 80

This report presents policy options for extending the life of road assets by mitigating deterioration caused by trucks. Beyond traditional engineering responses, it considers the role of trucks in road asset deterioration from a broader, demand-oriented perspective.

Cette édition 2018 de la publication Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie présente les dépenses de R-D ventilés par secteur secondaire et tertiaire. Les statistiques sont libellées en dollars des É-U courants et constants et portent sur 31 pays de l’OCDE et quatre économies non membres. La couverture d'ANBERD inclut plusieurs secteurs, couvrant notamment de nombreux secteurs de services. Les données sont déclarées selon la classification CITI révision 4. Cette publication est une source unique de données détaillées sur la R-D industrielle comparables au niveau international, ce qui en fait un outil irremplaçable pour l'analyse et la recherche économiques.


This 2018 edition of OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry provides statistical data on R&D expenditure broken down by industrial and service sectors. Data are presented in current and constant USD PPP values. Coverage is provided for 31 OECD countries and four non-member economies. The coverage of ANBERD includes multiple sectors, with extended coverage of service sectors according to ISIC Revision 4 classification. This publication is a unique source of detailed internationally-comparable business R&D data, making it an invaluable tool for economic research and analysis.

  • 14 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

Over the past two decades, Austria has become one of the most R&D intensive economies among OECD countries and in the world, dedicating 3.1% of its GDP on R&D in 2016, the second highest figure in the European Union. To fully harness this R&D capacity, Austrian innovation policy needs to put a stronger emphasis on efficiency in transforming R&D inputs into impacts. To achieve higher impacts, Austria also needs to steer its research and innovation system towards leadership excellence in global markets. This requires enhanced international attractiveness for top-level researchers and talent, and a conducive environment for highly innovative enterprises. Austria could also benefit from strengthening R&D and innovation to support key transitions, such as digitalisation and Industry 4.0, and to tackle key societal challenges. The STI policy mix and governance arrangements should be adapted accordingly.

El objetivo fundamental de la información recogida en estas directrices del Manual de Frascati es servir de ayuda a los responsables de la toma de decisiones, en especial los responsables de la formulación de políticas públicas. Al tiempo que los datos de I+D han pasado a ser más accesibles y ocupan un lugar más destacado en el debate público, esta información también se ha convertido en un componente importante del diálogo político y social sobre el uso y el impacto de estos recursos. Existe una gran concienciación de que los datos de I+D, ya sean solos o combinados con otra información, pueden proporcionar sólo parcialmente la base para la toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, siempre y cuando los gobiernos, los líderes empresariales y el público reconozcan las características especiales de la I+D y le confieran un estatus especial, la medición del esfuerzo humano y económico dedicado a tal labor continuará jugando un papel fundamental en la mayor parte de las evidencias estadísticas requeridas por las sociedades de todo el mundo. Facilitar esta tarea es precisamente el objetivo de la séptima edición de este manual.

English, German, Korean, Polish, Lithuanian, All

يقدم كتاب "التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة في بعض الدول العربية" تحليلاً للتحديات التي تواجهها الجزائر ومصر والأردن وليبيا والمغرب وتونس فيما يتعلق بجهودها الرامية إلى تعزيز توظيف المرأة وريادتها للأعمال، ويقدم توصيات في مجال السياسة من أجل م ضي الحكومات قدمًا في طريقها. ويركز الكتاب على أربعة مجالات رئيسة: يقدم الفصل الأول مقدمة عن المشاركة الاقتصادية للمرأة في ست دول، بينما يتناول الفصل الثاني الأحكام الدولية والدستورية وإمكانية حصول المرأة على العدالة، في حين يطرح الفصل الثالث تحليلاً لتأثير قانون الأسرة على تمكين المرأة، وأخيرًا يتناول الفصل الرابع قانون العمل فيما يتعلق بحقوق المرأة باعتبارها موظفة ورائدة أعمال.

English, French
  • 30 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 236

The government of Kazakhstan has set an objective to substantially increase the contribution of SMEs and entrepreneurs to employment and value added in the economy. Although there are large numbers of SMEs and entrepreneurs in the country, achieving this growth will require a step change in the productivity of existing SMEs and the emergence of many more medium-sized and growth-oriented firms.

This report shows the important achievements of the government in creating a clear vision and structures for SME and entrepreneurship policy, including major improvements in business regulations and through the introduction of the Business Road Map 2020 programme offering direct supports to SMEs and entrepreneurs in areas such as financing and infrastructure. It also highlights the current challenge of doing more to strengthen management capabilities, skills, and innovation in SMEs and new enterprises, and makes a range of specific recommendations for policy actions including further building the incubator and Entrepreneurship Support Centre infrastructure, introducing dedicated support for high-growth potential enterprises, and stimulating supply chain linkages around foreign director investors.

  • 20 Nov 2018
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 31

This document aims to support cities in setting road safety targets and to monitor progress in improving urban road safety. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists account for nearly 80% of urban traffic fatalities. Cities should thus intensify efforts to improve the safety of vulnerable road users. This document presents traffic safety indicators for different road user groups collected in 31 cities to facilitate the evaluation, monitoring and benchmarking of road safety outcomes. It places a particular attention on measuring the risk of fatality per unit distance travelled.


The OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018 is the twelfth edition in a series that biennially reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in OECD countries and a number of major partner economies. The 14 chapters within this edition look at a range of topics, notably the opportunities and challenges related to enhanced data access, the impacts of artificial intelligence on science and manufacturing, and the influence of digitalisation on research and innovation. The report also discusses the shortcomings of current policy measures, how the Sustainable Development Goals are re-shaping STI policy agendas, and the need for new - more flexible and agile - approaches to technology governance and policy design. While these disruptive changes challenge policy makers in a number of ways, the digital revolution underway also provides solutions for better policy targeting, implementation and monitoring.

This report relies on the latest academic work in the field, research and innovation statistical data, as well as data on wider trends and issues. It makes extensive use of country responses to the 2017 EC OECD STI policy survey (https://stip.oecd.org) and features contributions by renowned experts and academics to broaden the debate and provide more personal, sometimes controversial, angles to it.


Science, technologie et innovation : Perspectives de l'OCDE est une publication bisannuelle visant à informer les décideurs et les analystes sur les changements récents et possibles des modèles de la science, la technologie et de l'innovation (STI) et leurs implications potentielles pour les politiques nationales et internationales. L'édition de 2018 est composée de 14 chapitres concis qui mettent en lumière plusieurs sujets pertinents pour les agendas politiques actuels en matière de STI. Ceux-ci abordent notamment les opportunités et les défis, découlant d’un meilleur accès aux données, pour la science et l’innovation; la manière dont les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies façonnent les agendas politiques de la STI; les impacts de l'intelligence artificielle sur la science et la fabrication; l'influence de la numérisation sur la manière dont les activités de recherche et d'innovation, et les mesures politiques qui les soutiennent, sont mesurées et évaluées; et de nouvelles approches en matière de gouvernance technologique et de conception des politiques.


OECD Transfer Fiyatlandırması Rehberi’nin bu 2017 yılı baskısı, 2015 yılı BEPS Raporlarındaki “Transfer Fiyatlandırması Sonuçlarının Değer Yaratımı ile Uyumlaştırılması” hk. 8-10 no’lu eylemleri ve “Transfer Fiyatlandırması Belgelendirmesi ve Ülke Bazlı Raporlama” hk. 13 no’lu eylemi üzerinde kararlaştırılan açıklamalar ve revizyonları yansıtmak amacıyla 2016 yılında yapılan önemli değişiklikleri içermektedir. Aynı zamanda, bu yeni baskı; güvenli limanlara ilişkin olarak, uygun şekilde tasarlanmış güvenli limanların bazı uyum yüklerini hafifletmeye ve vergi mükelleflerine daha fazla öngörülebilirlik sağlamaya yardımcı olabileceğine yönelik 2013 yılında onaylanan revize rehber açıklamalarını da kapsamaktadır. Son olarak, bu baskı OECD Transfer Fiyatlandırması Rehberi’nin geri kalanında tutarlılık gayesiyle yapılan değişiklikleri de içerir. OECD Transfer Fiyatlandırması Rehberi, OECD Konseyi tarafından 1995 yılındaki orijinal versiyonuyla onaylanmıştır.

French, German, Spanish, Chinese, English, All

La edición de 2017 de Directrices de las OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia incorpora las modificaciones sustanciales que se efectuaron en 2016 a fin de reflejar los cambios y aclaraciones acordados en los informes de 2015 sobre las Acciones 8 a 10 de BEPS: Garantizar que los resultados de los precios de transferencia estén en línea con la creación de valor y sobre la Acción 13: Documentación sobre precios de transferencia e Informe por país. Comprende asimismo las orientaciones revisadas relativas a los regímenes de protección aprobadas en 2013 en las que se reconoce que un régimen de protección bien concebido puede permitir aligerar ciertas cargas de cumplimiento con las obligaciones fiscales y dotar a los contribuyentes de mayor certidumbre. Finalmente, esta edición incluye también las modificaciones de coherencia que se han realizado en el resto del texto de las Directrices de las OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia. El Consejo de le OCDE aprobó la versión original Directrices de las OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia en 1995.

Chinese, English, Turkish, German, French, All

Ce rapport présente une analyse approfondie des principales réformes entreprises entre 2014 et 2018 pour promouvoir le développement des très petites, petites et moyennes entreprises dans huit économies du Sud du Bassin méditerranéen (Algérie, Égypte, Israël, Jordanie, Liban, Maroc, Autorité Palestinienne et Tunisie).

Le rapport se concentre sur cinq domaines stratégiques pour l’élaboration des politiques en faveur des PME : les définitions des PME, les statistiques et les institutions, mais aussi comment améliorer l'environnement des affaires pour les PME et les entrepreneurs, favoriser l'accès au financement et soutenir les start-ups et la croissance des PME, sans oublier bien sûr le développement du capital humain entrepreneurial.

Le rapport vise à présenter des bonnes pratiques et à indiquer les domaines dans lesquels des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires. Il fournit des conseils précieux aux gouvernements, aux organisations du secteur privé, aux organismes multilatéraux et aux autres parties prenantes. Il s’agit de redoubler d’efforts afin de soutenir les PME, qui sont autant de vecteurs essentiels de l’emploi et de la compétitivité. Cela est particulièrement pertinent dans une région qui s'efforce de stimuler la diversification économique, la création d'emplois et l'inclusion des jeunes et des femmes dans l'économie.

Ce rapport est le fruit d’une collaboration étroite entre les gouvernements, l'OCDE, la Fondation européenne pour la formation et la Commission européenne.

English, Arabic
  • 31 Oct 2018
  • Nuclear Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Pages: 96

The nuclear energy sector employs a considerable workforce around the world, and with nuclear power projected to grow in countries with increasing electricity demand, corresponding jobs in the nuclear power sector will also grow. Using the most available macroeconomic model to determine total employment – the “input/output” model – the Nuclear Energy Agency and International Atomic Energy Agency collaborated to measure direct, indirect and induced employment from the nuclear power sector in a national economy. The results indicate that direct employment during site preparation and construction of a single unit 1 000 megawatt-electric advanced light water reactor at any point in time for 10 years is approximately 1 200 professional and construction staff, or about 12 000 labour years. For 50 years of operation, approximately 600 administrative, operation and maintenance, and permanently contracted staff are employed annually, or about 30 000 labour years. For up to 10 years of decommissioning, about 500 people are employed annually, or around 5 000 labour years. Finally, over an approximate period of 40 years, close to 80 employees are managing nuclear waste, totalling around 3 000 labour years. A total of about 50 000 direct labour-years per gigawatt. Direct expenditures on these employees and equipment generate approximately the same number of indirect employment, or about 50 000 labour years; and direct and indirect expenditures generate about the same number of induced employment, or 100 000 labour years. Total employment in the nuclear power sector of a given national economy is therefore roughly 200 000 labour years over the life cycle of a gigawatt of nuclear generating capacity.

What is innovation and how should it be measured? Understanding the scale of innovation activities, the characteristics of innovative firms and the internal and systemic factors that can influence innovation is a prerequisite for the pursuit and analysis of policies aimed at fostering innovation. First published in 1992, the Oslo Manual is the international reference guide for collecting and using data on innovation. In this fourth edition, the manual has been updated to take into account a broader range of innovation-related phenomena as well as the experience gained from recent rounds of innovation surveys in OECD countries and partner economies and organisations. 


Lithuanian, French, German

Od ponad pięćdziesięciu lat Podręcznik Frascati jest międzynarodowym standardem, a obecnie stał się on już standardem ogólnoświatowym. Wykorzystanie danych statystycznych na temat działalności badawczej i rozwojowej (B+R), opartych na wytycznych zawartych w niniejszym podręczniku, zyskało na znaczeniu, a dane statystyczne są wykorzystywane w wielu obszarach polityki publicznej, a także w wielu krajach poza OECD. Podręcznik stanowi podstawę wspólnej terminologii niezbędnej do mówienia o działalności B+R i jej wynikach. Ze względu na szerokie zastosowanie podręcznika oraz obecność zawartych w nim definicji w innych międzynarodowych podręcznikach i przepisach krajowych, definicja działalności B+R oraz jej komponentów została zachowana w postaci zbliżonej do definicji przedstawionych w poprzednich edycjach. Więcej uwagi poświęcono natomiast określeniu granic między tym, co można, a czego nie można zaklasyfikować jako działalność B+R, a także na udzieleniu odpowiedzi na nowe wymogi w zakresie statystyk sfery B+R. Przykładem może być decyzja o klasyfikowaniu nakładów na działalność B+R jako nakładów inwestycyjnych w ogólnoświatowym Systemie Rachunków Narodowych (System of National Accounts, w skrócie SNA), co wymaga zwrócenia większej uwagi na przepływy środków finansowych przeznaczonych na działalność B+R. W związku z szerokim rozpowszechnieniem zachęt podatkowych służących wspieraniu prac B+R, w podręczniku dodano odrębny rozdział poświęcony temu zagadnieniu. Dodano także nowy rozdział poświęcony globalizacji i jej skutkom dla statystyki sfery B+R. Aby zachować aktualność, podręcznik w szerokim zakresie wykorzystuje aneksy dostępne online.

Korean, Spanish, Lithuanian, English, German, All

This report looks at the fiscal, environmental and social impacts of energy subsidy reform in Moldova with a particular focus on energy affordability. Reduced value added tax (VAT) rate on natural gas consumption and a VAT exemption on electricity and heat consumption by domestic users represent the largest fossil-fuel consumer subsidies in Moldova. Reforming these will imply an increase of the VAT rate, which will lead to an increase of gas, electricity and heat tariffs for households, and will in turn affect household consumption levels, related expenditures and energy affordability. If reform measures are to work, they will need to be accompanied by a carefully-designed social policy to protect poor households.


Acest raport prezintă principalele constatări și concluzii ale analizei accesibilității energiei ca urmare a reformării schemelor majore de subvenționare energetică în Moldova. Cele trei mari scheme de sprijin guvernamental care reprezintă cea mai mare parte a subvențiilor pentru consumatorii de combustibili fosili din Moldova sunt cota redusă a taxei pe valoarea adăugată (TVA) pentru consumul de gaze naturale și scutirea de TVA pentru consumul de energie electrică și termică de către utilizatorii casnici. Cota standard a TVA-ului în Moldova este de 20%, însă TVA-ul pentru gazele consumate de gospodării este de 8%, iar pentru consumul de energie electrică și termică este de 0%. Stabilirea unei cote mai mici decât cea standard a TVA-ului pentru consumul de gaze, energie electrică și termică a generat subvenția.

Reformarea celor trei scheme de subvenționare energetică va implica o majorare a cotei TVA-ului, care va duce la o creștere ulterioară a tarifelor la gaz, electricitate și energie termică pentru gospodării. Această majorare a tarifelor va afecta nivelul consumului casnic și cheltuielile aferente, și va avea un impact asupra accesibilității la energie a gospodăriilor. Prin urmare, măsurile de reformă vor trebui să fie însoțite de o politică socială bine concepută care să protejeze gospodăriile sărace.

Accesibilitatea energiei este o preocupare politică esențială pentru factorii de decizie din Moldova. Obiectivul principal al acestei analize este de a informa guvernul Republicii Moldova cu privire la impactul fiscal, ecologic și, în special, social al reformării acestor subvenții și de a-l ajuta să ia decizii bine justificate.

  • 10 Oct 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

SMEs play an important role for economic growth and social inclusion in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Co-operatives and SMEs, Indonesian SMEs account for nearly 97% of domestic employment and for 56% of total business investment. 
Indonesia has a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Law and a specific ministry dedicated to co-operatives and SMEs. The wealth of public programmes for SMEs could be streamlined, and more could be done to support innovative companies able to generate productive jobs and participate in international markets. The development and implementation of an SME strategy would be instrumental to improve the overall coherence of national policy measures, objectives and measurable targets. 
The review of SME and entrepreneurship policy of Indonesia is part of a peer-reviewed series, by the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, which aims to improve the design, implementation and effectiveness of national SME and entrepreneurship policies.

The expansion of agricultural production in China has been remarkable, but at the expense of the sustainable use of its natural resources. To counter this, as well as to face problems due to rising labour costs and a rapidly ageing rural population, agricultural production must concentrate on a smaller number of more productive farms. It is in this light that this report reviews recent policy developments to assess whether they have been conducive to productivity growth and environmental sustainability. It finds that the conditions for structural change and innovation at the farm level in China could be further improved by securing the long-term stability of land rights as well as reducing transaction costs. Greater policy coherence with agri-environmental policy objectives could also be achieved through stricter enforcement of environmental regulations. Finally, the agricultural innovation system could play a greater role by placing the focus on public agricultural R&D in areas such as the environment and resource conservation, and in other areas which do not attract much private sector investment.


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