Browse by: "2016"


Title Index

Year Index


Cette publication rassemble les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux présentés par pays partenaires pour 31 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro et la Fédération de Russie, ainsi que des liens vers des définitions et des notes méthodologiques. Les données se réfèrent aux échanges entre résidents et non-résidents et sont présentées selon les recommandations du Manuel des statistiques du commerce international des services. Ce volume inclut des tableaux récapitulatifs par pays partenaires et par principales catégories de services. Les séries sont exprimées en dollars des États-Unis et couvrent la période 2011-2015.


This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 31 OECD countries plus the European Union, the Euro area and the Russian Federation as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services. This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2011-2015.


This report addresses the fundamental challenges that climate change poses to infrastructure owners, who face two major challenges. First, they must ensure continued asset performance under sometimes significantly modified climate conditions that may decrease the present value of their networks or increase maintenance and refurbishment costs. Second, they must build new assets in the context of changing and uncertain climate variables. This creates a risk of over- or under-specification of infrastructure design standards, potentially resulting in non-productive investments or network service degradation. This report investigates strategies that can help transport authorities contain network performance risks inherent in changing patterns of extreme weather.

  • 09 Dec 2016
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 176

The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025 provides an assessment of prospects for the coming decade of the national, regional and global agricultural commodity markets across 41 countries and 12 regions, including OECD countries (European Union as a region) and other key agricultural producers, such as India, China, Brazil, the Russian Federation and Argentina among others. This year's special feature focuses on the prospects and challenges of the agricultural sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. This edition marks the twelfth year of partnership between the two organisations.

English, Spanish, French
  • 08 Dec 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

The fully revamped and re-titled OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook is a biennial publication that aims to inform policy makers and analysts on recent and future changes in global science, technology and innovation (STI) patterns and their potential implications on and for national and international STI policies. Based on the most recent data available, the report provides comparative analysis of new policies and instruments being used in OECD countries and a number of major emerging economies (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and South Africa) to boost the contribution of science and innovation to growth and to global and social challenges. In this edition, detailed country and policy profiles are available on line.

French, Spanish

This OECD publication includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 35 OECD countries, the European Union, the Euro area, Colombia and the Russian Federation.


Les informations contenues dans cette publication rassemblent les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux par catégories détaillées de services pour les 35 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro, la Colombie et la Fédération de Russie.


Cette seconde édition de la publication phare du Programme LEED, Création d’emplois et développement économique local,  explore les moyens par lesquels les acteurs nationaux et locaux peuvent mieux travailler ensemble pour soutenir le développement économique et la création d’emplois au niveau local. Elle apporte un éclairage sur toute une série d’enjeux, allant de l’adaptation du développement des compétences aux besoins des territoires, à l’implication des employeurs dans les systèmes d’apprentissage et à la mise en œuvre efficace des politiques en faveur des PME et de l’entrepreneuriat. Cette publication présente des comparaisons internationales permettant aux territoires de mieux appréhender leur positionnement face aux défis liés à l’emploi et aux compétences. Dans cette version française abrégée, les profils de pays de la Belgique, du Canada, de la France, et de la Suisse sont présentés. Ces derniers comprennent, entre autre, des nouvelles données sur l'offre et la demande des compétences au niveau régional ou infrarégional.

  • 21 Nov 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

This second edition of Job Creation and Local Economic Development examines how national and local actors can better work together to support economic development and job creation at the local level. It sheds light on a continuum of issues – from how skills policy can better meet the needs of local communities to how local actors can better engage employers in apprenticeships and improve the implementation of SME and entrepreneurship policy. It includes international comparisons that allow local areas to take stock of how they are performing in the marketplace for skills and jobs. It also includes a set of country profiles featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of OECD sub-regions (TL3).

  • 21 Nov 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

This report examines Israel’s performance in stimulating SMEs and entrepreneurship and makes recommendations for government policy. A dual economy has gradually emerged in Israel, in which high rates of successful technology-based entrepreneurship contrast with low average productivity and growth in traditional SMEs. Israel has excellent framework conditions and programmes for technology-based start-ups and SMEs in areas such as R&D, high-level skills generation and venture capital finance. These strengths need to be maintained. At the same time, more needs to be done to spread success to all types of SMEs and all groups of the Israeli population. This report recommends a range of new and expanded interventions for example in access to credit, broad innovation, workforce skills development, management support and entrepreneurship education. It recommends underpinning these actions with a national SME and entrepreneurship policy strategy and new arrangements for inter-ministerial co-ordination.

  • 11 Nov 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

The OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy offer a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of individual OECD countries and partner economies, focusing on the role of government and concrete recommendations to boost innovation performance and R&D policies.
While Malaysia successfully transformed its economy from agriculture and mining towards manufacturing and more recently services, it is currently facing an economic slowdown and new competition. Mobilising new sources of growth will allow Malaysia to respond to these challenges and re-energise its economy through innovation-driven productivity gains.


  • 27 Oct 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

After decades of innovation, satellites now play a discrete but pivotal role in the efficient functioning of modern societies and their economic development. This publication provides the findings from a OECD Space Forum project on the state of innovation in the space sector, with a view to examine how space innovation may impact the larger economy. New analysis and indicators contribute to answering some of the following questions: is the space sector still a driver for innovation in the 21st century? What are the determinants for an innovative space sector? And what are the policy responses to encourage and harness better space-related innovation?

Since the beginning of China’s economic transformation in the early 1970s, investment has been a key driver of China’s growth and has contributed to substantial improvements in living standards. Over three decades of average annual GDP growth of 10%, disposable incomes have soared, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty. The share of the population living in extreme poverty has declined from above 90% in the early 1980s to less than 10% today. However, this growth model is no longer sustainable. Returns on investment have declined, although they are still higher than those of the Asian Tigers. Excess capacity is plaguing several sectors, and negative externalities have been onerous, notably in terms of environmental degradation and income inequality. A key objective of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) is therefore to move the economy towards a path of more balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth.


Since the beginning of China’s economic transformation in the early 1970s, investment has been a key driver of China’s growth and has contributed to substantial improvements in living standards. Over three decades of average annual GDP growth of 10%, disposable incomes have soared, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty. The share of the population living in extreme poverty has declined from above 90% in the early 1980s to less than 10% today. However, this growth model is no longer sustainable. Returns on investment have declined, although they are still higher than those of the Asian Tigers. Excess capacity is plaguing several sectors, and negative externalities have been onerous, notably in terms of environmental degradation and income inequality. A key objective of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) is therefore to move the economy towards a path of more balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth.

  • 06 Oct 2016
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 180

Dieses Kompendium umfasst 20 Fallstudien mit politischen Maßnahmen und Programmen zum Thema inklusives Unternehmertum. Angestrebt wird damit, nachhaltige Unternehmensgründungen von sozialen Gruppen zu unterstützen, die in Bezug auf das Unternehmertum unterrepräsentiert oder am Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt sind. Zu diesen Gruppen gehören insbesondere junge Menschen, Frauen, Ältere, Arbeitslose, Zuwanderer, ethnische Minderheiten und Menschen mit Behinderungen. Jede der beschriebenen Fallstudien enthält einen Überblick über Programmziele und bereits durchgeführte Aktivitäten. Zudem schildert jede Beschreibung die Herausforderungen, auf die man gestoßen ist, sowie Schlüsselfaktoren für eine erfolgreiche Übertragung des Ansatzes auf einen anderen Kontext.

Geeignete Maßnahmen auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene können einen wichtigen Beitrag zu sozialer Inklusion sowie zu wirtschaftlichem Wachstum leisten. Durch die Förderung des Unternehmertums wird es Menschen aus sozial benachteiligten Gruppen ermöglicht, Arbeitsplätze für sich selbst und andere zu schaffen. Das vorliegende Kompendium zeigt die Arten von politischen Ansätzen auf, die bei der Überwindung dieser Probleme Wirkung zeigen, und erörtert die Schlüsselfaktoren für ihre erfolgreiche Umsetzung.

French, English
  • 04 Oct 2016
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 180

Ce compendium comprend 20 études de cas issues de programmes publics au sein des pays européens qui soutiennent, avec succès, la création d'entreprises des personnes provenant de groupes défavorisés et sous-représentés dans le secteur de l’entrepreneuriat. Les populations visées par ces programmes comprennent les jeunes, les femmes, les personnes âgées, les chômeurs, les immigrants, les minorités ethniques et les personnes handicapées. Chaque description du programme détaille les activités et les approches du programme, évalue les difficultés rencontrées lors du développement et de la mise en œuvre, et offre des recommandations pour d'autres transferts à d'autres environnements.

Des actions de politique publique au niveau national, régional et local peuvent apporter une contribution importante à la croissance économique et l'inclusion sociale en favorisant la création d'entreprises et l'auto-emploi par les personnes qui, dans un autre contexte, pourraient rester à l’écart des sentiers battus de l’entrepreneuriat. Ce compendium démontre que des approches viables existent et peuvent aider les décideurs politiques à s'inspirer d'autres expériences pour obtenir des résultats à grande échelle.

English, German
  • 28 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

This publication presents an original collection of indicators for measuring the state of entrepreneurship and its determinants, produced by the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme. The 2016 edition introduces data from a new online small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) survey prepared by Facebook in co-operation with the OECD and the World Bank. It also features a special chapter on SME productivity, and indicators to monitor gender gaps in entrepreneurship.


Ce rapport surveille l’accès des PME et des entrepreneurs à des financements dans 37 pays, tout au long de la période 2007-14, en prenant l’année 2007 – antérieure à la crise – comme référence. Il propose des indicateurs relatifs à l’endettement, aux fonds propres, au nantissement d’actifs et aux conditions-cadres du financement des PME et de l’entrepreneuriat, que viennent compléter d’autres sources d’information et de récentes initiatives publiques et privées en faveur du financement des PME. Pris ensemble, ces indicateurs composent un cadre complet permettant aux pouvoirs publics et à d’autres parties prenantes d’évaluer les besoins de financement des PME et d’en apprécier la prise en compte.

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