OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers

Selected studies addressing the policy interface between trade and environment prepared for use within the OECD. They address such issues a liberalizing trade in goods that affect the environment, and trade in environmental goods and services.


The nexus between illegal trade and environmental crime

Environmental crime is on the rise and is of growing concern to policy makers, to legitimate businesses, and more broadly to the general public. It is growing rapidly worldwide on average at over 8% per year, with an estimated value between USD 110-281 billion in 2018. Emerging issues include wildlife trafficking, illegal timber, illegal mining, illegal chemicals, illegal waste trafficking, and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Environmental crime can have serious implications to human health and the environment, to the global economy, and more broadly to good governance, national security and sustainable development.

Addressing these criminal activities affecting the environment is difficult exclusively at the national level as they often extend on a transnational scale. In this context, this report provides a snapshot of cross-border environmental crime and available initiatives to tackle illegal activities at a transnational scale, with a particular focus on multilateral and regional frameworks. The key message from this report is that the increasing prevalence of cross-border environmental crime is due to regulatory failures and the growing involvement of transnational organised crimes, which require an internationally co-ordinated response, both at the multilateral and regional level.


Keywords: environmental crime, illegal trade, unreported and unregulated fishing, illegal chemicals, environment policy, Trade and environment, trade policy, wildlife tracking, illegal timber, illegal, illegal waste
JEL: F18: International Economics / Trade / Trade and Environment; F64: International Economics / Economic Impacts of Globalization / Economic Impacts of Globalization: Environment; K42: Law and Economics / Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior / Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of Law; Q56: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Environmental Economics / Environment and Development; Environment and Trade; Sustainability; Environmental Accounts and Accounting; Environmental Equity; Population Growth
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