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Year Index

  • 19 Mar 2018
  • Andrea Andrenelli, Charles Cadestin, Koen De Backer, Sébastien Miroudot, Davide Rigo, Ming Ye
  • Pages: 50

Using the OECD analytical AMNE database, this paper provides new evidence on the services activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and discusses the relationship between cross-border trade in services and the production of services through foreign affiliates (“mode 3” trade in services in the General Agreement on Trade in Services). An econometric analysis indicates that policies restricting trade in services (as captured in the OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index) are associated with a lower output of foreign affiliates not only in services industries but also in the manufacturing sector. Moreover, services trade restrictions also impact the choice of firms when it comes to engaging in exports or in foreign direct investment to serve foreign markets. Overall, the results in this paper demonstrate the intertwined nature of manufacturing and services activities in global value chains.

US plant level studies show US multinational enterprises (MNE) are more productive than other MNEs. This could reflect US productivity leadership or could be due to the ease in which US firms operate in their home surroundings. The evidence would therefore be more compelling if US firms were leaders outside the US. We study the productivity of plants owned by US firms located in the UK. Our study differs from many studies of foreign owned plants in three ways. Firstly, using a newly available dataset we can identify not only foreign but also domestic MNEs. We find that UK MNEs are less productive than US owned plants, but as productive as non US foreign owned plants. Secondly, having a panel dataset we distinguish between different hypotheses regarding the nature of the US and MNE advantage. We find strong evidence that the US advantage lies in the ability to takeover already productive plants. Whereas we find some evidence for a shared asset effect for MNEs in general we do not find any evidence that the US advantage is driven by superior shares assets. Thirdly, this paper features a novel approach to TFP calculation.
This report explores potential effects of the recent rapid growth in Environmental Labelling Information Schemes (ELIS) around the world, with a focus on the implications of ELIS multiplication for environmental effectiveness and international trade. As empirical work on the environmental effects of ELIS multiplication is just beginning to appear, insights from the theoretical literature on label competition are presented. Modelling suggests that competition between labels may reduce environmental performance relative to a single label with strict environmental goals, though stylised modelling may not accurately reflect the complex real-world interactions of schemes. The analysis is complemented with an overview of empirical studies on environmental effects, including evidence that label competition has led to market-driven convergence of standards in some sectors, such as forest certification. However, it is important that convergence leads to more holistic and streamlined ELIS rather than acting as a weakening influence on the stringency and quality of standards or how schemes are implemented, to maximise environmental effectiveness. Multiplication of ELIS could have implications for the ways that labelling schemes interact with international trade, particularly in terms of market access and international competitiveness. Although difficult to demonstrate empirically, the conditions that could lead to such effects are described conceptually in the report, noting particularities of certain types of schemes such as quantitative footprints. The report also documents a range of ways that government and non-government bodies have responded to ELIS multiplication, such as mutual recognition of schemes and creation of “focal” schemes or standards that can lead to market convergence. Such responses could also alter trade effects of ELIS under certain conditions, for example if a particular voluntary scheme becomes sufficiently dominant in a country to be perceived as a “de facto” market entry requirement by suppliers in other countries.
The present work investigates the relationship between municipal fragmentation and regional per capita GDP growth rate, using a panel of OECD TL2 regions in the period 1996-2011. According to the fiscal decentralisation literature, fragmentation should enhance growth as local government closer to citizens can implement policies that better match their needs, thus providing services and public goods in a more efficient way. The presence of many local governments, however, may create problems in terms of overlapping functions, (dis)economies of scale, and policy fragmentation. The results of the empirical analysis show that municipal fragmentation has a negative impact on per capita GDP growth, thus supporting the view that costs prevail on benefits. The introduction of regional territorial characteristic – namely, the share of population living in rural areas – provides a different picture, however. The negative impact of fragmentation decreases with the share of population living in rural areas. Indeed, in extremely “rural” regions the effect turns mildly positive. This is because the costs and benefits of fragmentation have a different weight in urban and rural regions. The key insight is the different distribution of the population over the territory: more concentrated in urban than in rural regions. This implies that, for a given level of municipal fragmentation overlapping of function is more severe in urban regions (where people are likely to commute over municipal boundaries) than in rural area. In the same vein, for the same level of municipal fragmentation access to the local government is more difficult in rural areas (where people is sparsely located within municipal boundaries) than in urban areas. The policy implications of the analysis are twofold. Firstly, reducing municipal fragmentation may have a heterogeneous impact within the country, thus raising concern for one-size-fits-all policies of municipal agglomeration in favour of a place-based approach to institutional reform. For instance, the principle guiding municipal amalgamation should not be the average municipal size at the country level, but it should be weighted for the rural/urban characteristics of each region. Secondly, the analysis suggests that processes of agglomeration of people should be accompanied by a consistent amalgamation of the local administration, otherwise representing an obstacle to the full realisation of agglomeration economies.

The OECD-ICOM Guide for Local Governments, Communities and Museums provides a framework for local and regional governments to assess and maximise the social and economic value of cultural heritage, and for museums to understand and strengthen their existing and potential linkages with the local economy and social fabric. This case study in Poland is based on nine museums of different size and ownership structure located in both large urban areas and rural municipalities. It explores opportunities for museums and local development in Poland along five dimensions: i) economic development, ii) urban design and community development, iii) culturally aware and creative societies, iv) inclusion, health and well-being, and v) mainstreaming the role of museums in local development.

This case study assesses the strategies of the Museum of Lisbon as well as the related policies of Lisbon City Council to support local development. Through its five branches located across the city and its diverse partnerships with local stakeholders, the Museum of Lisbon has cemented its role as a community anchor institution. This case study focuses on the five dimensions featured in the OECD-ICOM Guide for Local Governments, Communities and Museums, namely the role of museums in: i) economic development, ii) urban regeneration, iii) education and creativity, iv) inclusion, health and well-being, and on iv) ways to mainstream the role of museums in local development.

This report considers the role of the MUSE network of museums for local development in the Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy. It considers the five dimensions of local development featured in the OECD-ICOM Guide for Local Governments, Communities and Museums: Economic development; Urban regeneration; Education and creativity; Inclusion, health and well-being; and Mainstreaming the role of museums in local development.

Este relatório resume os resultados do trabalho de colaboração entre a OCDE e o PlanAPP, o Centro de Competências em Planeamento, Políticas e Prospetiva da Administração Pública em Portugal. Apresenta as principais conclusões e recomendações do projeto em quatro áreas estratégicas para o país: i) políticas públicas informadas por evidências e confiança nas instituições públicas, ii) avaliação das políticas públicas, iii) prospetiva e iv) planeamento estratégico.


Die Ems-Achse, eine ländliche Region im Nordwesten Deutschlands, kann auf ein Jahrzehnt des Wirtschaftswachstums zurückblicken. Mit dem Wachstum hat sich jedoch der Arbeitskräftemangel in der Region verschärft, insbesondere aufgrund einer alternden Bevölkerung und der Abwanderung junger Menschen. Viele regionale Akteur*innen haben das Potenzial von Telearbeit erkannt und wollen nun ausloten, inwieweit sich dem Arbeitskräftemangel mit Telearbeit begegnen lässt, und ein breiteres Spektrum qualifizierter Personen angelockt werden kann. Dieses Policy Paper untersucht drei Kernaspekte: Das Potenzial von Telearbeit, 1.) Menschen zu aktivieren, die derzeit nicht auf Stellensuche sind; 2.) den Talentpool auf umliegende Gebiete auszuweiten; und 3.) Arbeitskräfte aus Ballungsgebieten oder aus dem Ausland anzuwerben. Um Telearbeit erfolgreich zu machen, sollte die Region das Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternet ausbauen, für eine Kultur der Flexibilität in der Teamführung sorgen und digitale Kompetenzen fördern. Um die Ems-Achse als attraktiven Standort für Telearbeiter zu etablieren, ist es zudem wichtig, die Möglichkeiten für höhere Bildung zu verbessern, öffentliche Verkehrsangebote auszubauen und den Zugang für internationale Arbeitskräfte zum regionalen Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern.


Muchos países han considerado extender su jornada escolar para mejorar los resultados de los alumnos, promover la equidad o apoyar a los padres a combinar la vida laboral y familiar. Dado el efecto de tales reformas, es importante identificar las condiciones para su implementación exitosa. Este documento de trabajo revisa la evidencia disponible y sintetiza lecciones comunes de seis países europeos y latinoamericanos que ampliaron y reorganizaron sus días escolares. Cada estudio de caso describe el contexto y objetivos de la reforma, diseño e implementación, y la implicación en materia de recursos. El documento resalta que, dependiendo de los objetivos de las políticas y las alternativas, extender la jornada escolar puede ser una estrategia eficiente para algunas escuelas y sistemas, pero no para otras. Para aprovechar cualquier beneficio potencial, las reformas necesitan considerar la calidad y articulación de las actividades que tienen lugar y los ajustes correspondientes a los recursos escolares. Como lo sugiere el documento, extender el día escolar proporciona una oportunidad para repensar las escuelas como sitios no solo para el aprendizaje, sino para el desarrollo integral de los alumnos, su compromiso y su apoyo.


Este informe presenta un análisis en profundidad del sistema español de innovación y de su estado actual en relación con la transferencia de conocimiento y la colaboración entre ciencia y empresa en España. El estudio identifica cinco áreas prioritarias de reforma e inversión a largo plazo como base para una nueva Hoja de Ruta. Estas prioridades incluyen una mayor autonomía operativa para universidades y centros públicos de investigación acompañada por rendición de cuentas centrada en resultados, así como una inversión sostenida en capacidades que permitan la conexión entre ciencia y empresa. Para poner estas reformas en marcha y mantenerlas en el tiempo, resulta necesario un nuevo pacto entre la ciencia y la sociedad española. Esta nueva relación se debería basar en el entendimiento entre todos los actores en el sistema de ciencia e innovación y la sociedad en general mediante un acuerdo que comprometa a los primeros a perseguir impactos sociales como contraparte de un apoyo más estable y predecible por parte de ésta última.


In welchem Umfang Lockdowns und andere Maßnahmen der sozialen Distanzierung die Beschäftigungsergebnisse und die lokale Wirtschaft beeinträchtigen, hängt auch von den je nach Standort unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten ab, berufliche Tätigkeiten ortsunabhängig auszuüben. In diesem Themenpapier werden die auf regionaler Ebene vorhandenen Kapazitäten von 27 EU-Ländern, der Schweiz, der Türkei und den Vereinigten Staaten untersucht, in einem Lockdown auf Homeoffice umzustellen. Ferner wird gezeigt, dass es in größeren Städten normaler­weise mehr Homeoffice-taugliche Arbeitsplätze gibt. Dies kann bis zu einem gewissen Grad die stärkeren wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von coronabedingten Maßnahmen auf Städte ausgleichen.

English, French

Desde el inicio de la crisis del COVID-19, la demanda de servicios de comunicación de banda ancha se ha disparado, con algunos operadores afrontando hasta un aumento del 60% en el tráfico de Internet en comparación a la demanda de datos de antes de la crisis.

French, English
  • 02 Dec 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 74

La declaración de la reunión Ministerial de Cancún sobre Economía Digital destacó la importancia de desarrollar indicadores del IoT que permitan evaluar sus efectos en distintas áreas de políticas (OCDE, 2016). Por ello, en el presente informe se revisan distintas definiciones del IoT en el contexto de establecer una definición operativa para el trabajo del CDEP, y se propone una taxonomía para su medición. Asimismo, en este informe se exploran los posibles desafíos para las infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones derivados del crecimiento exponencial de los dispositivos de IoT mediante la aplicación en vehículos conectados y autónomos. Se eligió esta aplicación del IoT ya que los requisitos para la transmisión de datos de los vehículos totalmente automatizados podrían tener implicaciones importantes para las infraestructuras de red, y, por lo tanto, podrían ser prioritarias en términos de medición.

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