
This data contains the number of enrolled students and of classes in the education system, reported by the type of institution to which they belong.

This dataset includes data on expenditure on education by public institutions, government-dependent private institutions and independent private institutions, intending to represent the total cost of services provided regardless of whether the source is public or private. Expenditure is broken down by country into capital and current expenditure, comprising compensation of personnel and expenditure on other (non-personnel) resources. Data are categorised by education level and orientation and available from 1985 onwards.

All entities providing funds for education, initially or as final payers, are classified as either governmental (public) or non-governmental (private) sources, the sole exception being international agencies and other foreign sources, which are treated as a separate category.  There are three types of financial transactions: direct expenditure on educational institutions, transfers to students or households and to other private entities, and households expenditure on education outside educational institutions.

This dataset contains the number of classroom teachers and academic staff working at the time of the data collection, classified by age and sex.

This dataset contains the number of classroom teachers and academic staff working at the time of the data collection, classified by type of institution, intensity of participation and sex.

This dataset contains the number of students for a given education programme in the reference period of the data collection, by age and intensity of participation (full or part-time program).

This dataset contains the number of students for a given education programme in the reference period of the data collection, by broad domain, branch or area of content covered by the programme, course or module, and sex.

This dataset contains the number of students for a given education programme in the reference period of the data collection, by type of institution, which they are attending, intensity of participation (full or part-time program) and sex . Each student is counted once only.

This dataset contains the number of students by level of education, adjusted to the financial year.

This dataset contains the number of people who physically crossed an international border between two countries and are studying in a given education programme in the reference period of the data collection, by sex.

This dataset contains the number of students who, during the course of the current reporting period, enter for the first time in a given level of education; by age and sex.

This dataset contains the number of students who during the course of the current reporting period, enter for the first time a given level of education by broad domain, branch or area of content covered by the education programme, course or module, and by sex.

This dataset contains the number of people who, during the reference school or academic year, has successfully completed an education programme by their age and sex

This dataset contains the number of people who, during the reference school or academic year, has successfully completed an education programme by their broad domain, branch or area of content covered by an education programme, course or module, and sex.

This dataset contains the number of people who has physically crossed an international border between two countries to successfully complete an education programme in that foreign country, by level of education and sex.

This dataset contains the number of management personnel and teacher aides in educational institutions, by sex and intensity.

This dataset contains the number of nationals by sex and age group.

This dataset presents the number of professional personnel directly involved in teaching by age and gender, counting also department chairs whose duties include some teaching.

This dataset shows labour force status and educational attainment level, by educational attainment, age and gender.

This dataset provides the main indicators on public and private expenditure broken down by primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary; primary to tertiary; and primary levels of education.

This dataset shows the percentage of students in different levels of education, by age, gender and time commitment to studies (full or part-time).

This dataset comprises the percentage of individuals that has graduated or is likely to enter a specific level of education by gender, country of origin, level and category of education. 

This dataset comprises the percentage of an age group that has graduated or is likely to enter a specific level of education. 

This dataset comprises the percentage of individuals that has graduated or is likely to enter a specific level of education by gender, country of origin, first graduates/entrants and age. 

This dataset examines the participation rate of students in different levels of education, by gender, age and time commitment to studies. 

This dataset reports the percentage of people who have crossed an international border to study tertiary education, by country of origin and tertiary level.

This dataset shows the percentage of people who have crossed an international border to study tertiary education, by field of education and tertiary level.

This dataset shows the ratio of full-time students to full-time teaching staff, as well as the average class size at a given level of education and type of institution.

This dataset shows labour force status and participation in formal education, by educational attainment, age and gender.

Tables in the computer use, video gaming and attitudes towards learning dataset show data by gender on the frequency of use of information technology both at school and outside school. Also included are data on the relationship between reading performance and enjoyment as well as students' attitudes to learning.

Expectations for further education and employment tables show data, by gender, on skills used at work by age group, as well as students' career and further education expectations. Data on literacy, numeracy and financial literacy, by gender are also included.

Gender gaps in educational performance tables show differences in achievement between girls and boys. Data cover performance in reading, mathematics and science shown as scores in PISA assessments as well as educational attainment shown in percentages and years of schooling.

The social influences on student performance dataset contains data by gender on the effect of family, school and society on results including mathematics, reading, science and problem solving.

Tables in the students’ self-confidence dataset comprise data on students' self-efficacy, self-beliefs and anxiety in relation to performance in mathematics, science and problem solving by gender.

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an internationally standardised assessment that was jointly developed by participating countries and administered to 15-year-olds in schools.The survey was implemented in 43 countries in the 1st assessment in 2000, in 41 countries in the 2nd assessment in 2003, in 57 countries in the 3rd assessment in 2006, 62 countries in the 4th assessment in 2009 and 65 countries in the 5th assessment in 2012 and 72 countries in 2015. Tests are typically administered to between 4 500 and 10 000 students in each country.

PISA assesses how far students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in society. In all cycles, the domains of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy are covered not merely in terms of mastery of the school curriculum, but in terms of important knowledge and skills needed in adult life.

Data on computer use for homework, at school in mathematics lessons and attitudes to computers are available in these tables.

Data on digital and print reading including performance in mathematics tests are available in these tables.

Data on computer use at home and at school, on weekdays or at weekends are shown over a number of years in these tables:

Inequality in socio-economic status, access to computers an digital proficiency data are available in these tables.

Data relating online task analysis with PISA performance in problem solving  are shown in these tables.

Data on online navigation and reading and problem-solving skills are available in these tables.

Data on computer use and performance in reading and mathematics are shown in these tables.