
How’s Life? is part of the OECD Better Life Initiative, which aims to promote “Better Policies for Better Lives”, in line with the OECD’s overarching mission. It is a statistical report released every two years that documents a wide range of well-being outcomes, and how they vary over time, between population groups, and across countries. This assessment is based on a multi-dimensional framework covering 11 dimensions of current well-being, and four different types of resources that help to support well-being over time. Each issue also includes special chapters that provide an in‐depth look at specific aspects of well-being. The 2017 edition features a focus on inequalities in well-being, migrants’ experiences of well-being, and the role of governance in well-being.

The report was prepared by the Household Statistics and Progress Measurement Division of the OECD Statistics Directorate, with contributions from the Reform of the Public Sector Division in the Public Governance Directorate (Chapter 4). Lead authors for each of the chapters were: Carrie Exton (Chapter 1); Carlotta Balestra (Chapter 2); Kate Scrivens and David Marguerit (Chapter 3); Santiago Gonzalez (Chapter 4); and Joshua Monje-Jelfs and Elena Tosetto (Chapter 5). Elena Tosetto was also the lead author for both online annexes. Carrie Exton led the project, which was supervised by Romina Boarini, Marco Mira d’Ercole, and Martine Durand. Lara Fleischer and Giampaolo Bonomi are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions to the analyses that appear in the report and in the media notes. Martine Zaïda is the communications coordinator for How’s Life?, and has provided essential support throughout.

We are grateful to many colleagues around the OECD for their help, comments and insights, either on draft text, or on specific queries. The list includes, but is not limited to: Rolf Alter, Anil Alpman, Yves Breem, Francesca Borgonovi, Marie-Clémence Canaud, Orsetta Causa, Jean-Christophe Dumont, Michael Förster and the Income Distribution team, Mikkel Hermansen, Chris James, Gaetan Lafortune, Zsuzsanna Lonti, Edwin Lau, Luiz de Mello, Fabrice Murtin, Matthew de Queljoe, Jennifer Ribarsky, Nicolas Ruiz, Sonia Primot, Miguel Cardenas Rodriguez, Sarah Sentier, Markus Schwabe, Cécile Thoreau, Bettina Wistrom, and Isabelle Ynesta. The in-house publications and production team consisted of Cicely Dupont-Nivore, Vincent Finat-Duclos, Audrey Garrigoux, Kate Lancaster, Julia Stockdale-Otarola, while Patrick Hamm provided editorial advice and guidance. Virginie Elgrably assisted in formatting the text. All are very gratefully acknowledged for their work and support.

Finally, the report has benefited from helpful comments on early drafts provided by national delegates to the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy, and the OECD Public Governance Committee (Chapter 4). Chapter 3 was also presented to the OECD Working Party on Migration. Their contributions and advice are also kindly acknowledged.