TALIS 2008 Technical Report

image of TALIS 2008 Technical Report

The OECD’s new Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) has been designed to provide data and analyses on the conditions needed for effective teaching and learning in schools. As the first international survey with this focus, it seeks to fill important information gaps that have been identified at the national and international levels of education systems.

This TALIS Technical Report describes the development of the TALIS instruments and methods used in sampling, data collection, scaling and data analysis phases of the first round of the survey. It also explains the rigorous quality control programme that operated during the survey process, which included numerous partners and external experts from around the world.

The information in this report complements the first international report from TALIS, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS (OECD, 2009) and the User Guide for the TALIS International Database.


Creating and Checking the International Database

This chapter offers an overview of the strategy used to create the TALIS 2008 international database (IDB). It describes the data entry and verification tasks employed by the national centres, the integration of data from the paper and online administration modes, the dataediting and database creation procedures implemented by the International Study Centre, and the steps that all involved centres took to confirm the integrity of the international database.


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